
As we age our faces appear to droop as skin loosens, jaw lines become slack and folds and fat deposits form around the neck.

While facial fillers, Sculptra and other non-surgical treatments are excellent for smoothing lines and wrinkles, the sagging effect of time and gravity on the face is best addressed through surgery, and for many people a facelift is an ideal solution.

A facelift can dramatically improve the appearance as the surgeon will remove excess fat, tighten underlying muscle and reposition skin for a tighter, firmer, younger look.

Facts about facelifts

Facelifts have come a long way in recent years and results are now much more natural. Previously, facelifts just stretched skin, which could lead to that wind-tunnel look. Now muscle and fat are also repositioned to give younger, softer results. Dr Theresa´s philososy is to restore a youthful appearance and give you a natural yet noticeable

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Dr Najma Hussain MBBS DRCOG MRCGP, non-surgical aesthetics doctor Dr Najma Hussain MBBS DRCOG MRCGP, non-surgical aesthetics doctor Dr Najma Hussain trained as a doctor at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals in London, qualifying in the mid-1990s. She went on to train as a GP, working in Reading, and gained further qualifications in Gynaecology and

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Patient story – facelift

A Facelift is one of Medcare´s most popular surgical procedures, and the results are not only enjoyed by our patients but also by their friends and relations! Here are a few of our many satisfied patients.